Through my Lens

Through my Lens
Through my lens

Life according to "Nonna" and " Nanny" and other anecdotes along the way.

There is nothing like a grandmother.  I am very fortunate to have grown up with two amazing strong women who had a big influence on my life. My nonna Lucia and my nanny Madeleine.
My nanny is still alive and resides in Montreal. I make sure I visit with her every time I'm back.  I can write for hours about nanny and I will as she has enriched my life in more ways than one.
In August of 2009 my Nonna passed away in her home. She was 88.  The loss I felt was huge she is missed very much.
There is a picture my sister took in the summer of 2008 while I was visiting my nonna as we took a stroll in her garden. She was always very proud of her " Jardine".  To this day it stands as one of my most favorite and cherished moments with her.
I have a lifetime of memories with my Italian grandparents and familia. The majority of them revolve around Sunday lunch.  A time where we gathered for a few hours to eat, talk, gossip and eat some more.
The other photo was taken on Christmas eve in Nonna's kitchen with my auntie Anna.